
Posted by Josh | 9:34 AM | 0 comments »

One day at mass the Father decided to share with us a story. It is about a man at the horse racing course who had placed a few bets and lost. Then he noticed something perculiar at the start-line. He saw a priest crossing over to the track and blessed one of the horses. At the end of the race, the horse which the priest had blessed won. Before the next race begins, he saw the priest crossing over to the track again and blessed another horse.
This time, the man placed a small bet on that horse and it won. Getting excited and happy, he paid close attention to see whether the priest will bless another horse. Like before, the priest crossed over to the track again and blessed another horse. The man immediately place all his money on that horse. At the end of the race, that horse came in last.

Being extremely baffled by it, he decided to ask the priest why? He went over to find the priest and asked: " Father, I put all my life-savings on the horse which you just blessed but why didn't it win like the previous races?" The priest asked him: "Are you a Catholic?" The man replied: " Yes I am but only by birth trade." The priest then nodded and said: " That explains why. That's why you can't differentiate a simple blessing from the last rite."