Divine Treatment

Posted by Josh | 9:32 AM | 0 comments »

There was a man who went around the town and claimed to give divine treatment. He took out a basket of pills and when his finger goes near to one of the pills, it was drawn up to it. The people in the town were amazed by his special power to pick the pill in this way. One day, a guy saw what he has done and decided to learn this magic.

He went over and asked him whether he can teach him this magic and the man replied that it was a heavenly secret he can’t give away. The guy then told him that he know some magic too and brought him to a restaurant to have a meal. While eating, the man asked the guy: “ What magic do you know?” The guy replied back: “ You’ll know pretty soon.” After eating, the guy just left the restaurant without paying and the man said to him immediately: “ You didn’t pay!” And the guy replied: “ Right! That’s my magic!”

The man then proposed to exhange their magic skills and said that actually it is quite simple, the ring on his finger is made of magnet and the pills contain some iron fillings. The guy smiled and replied: “ My magic is quite simple too – payment in advance.”